Sunday, November 27, 2011


    SMOD, what can I say, no one likes it, especially me. Unfortunately, once again, parents and teachers got their way and helped enforce it. SMOD stands for Standard Mode of Dress. The majority of Guilford County Schools have SMOD. Others, well they have a lot of freedom.I think the reason why SMOD was even enforced was because adults feel like us teenagers don't dress "appropriately" for school, maybe their right, maybe their wrong. They were tired of seeing exposed chest areas, tight pants, short shorts, skirts, whatever, and most of all "sagging'. I personally don't want to see that, but we still do.We do have some type of freedom, because we can wear almost any color shirt (except blue). I feel like SMOD doesn't work because students are still walking around sagging and whatnot. We still have our own individual swags, with or without SMOD. It makes us look more professional, I mean we all are wearing the same thing. 

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